How to Create and Use Fun Content in Social Media, Blog Posts and Web Pages
Many of us think we are funny. Some of us actually are. If you are fortunate enough to have a good sense of humor and enjoy a good laugh, you may be interested to know that you have a valuable business skill you may not be aware of. Your ability to create and apply humor is an asset.
Humor allows people to connect, communicate and build relationships. Particularly in social media channels, building an audience and establishing relationships with new readers and viewers is one of the primary objectives. A prudent use of humor in social media channels can build an audience and establish credibility when reaching out to those readers that have the potential to become customers.
Why Use Humor?
Humor shows that you are in fact – human. It shows that you are real, “relate-able,” approachable and comfortable to be around. It is this last part that is truly valuable. Remember that people buy from people – no matter what the product or service. A consultant or business that is unlikable or uncomfortable to be around is less likely to get the contract. An enjoyable person or organization earns audience attention. Once attention is earned, you achieve the opportunity to build trust.
Creating Humor For A Website or Social Post
Most people really have a good sense of humor. Most people lack the courage to use it. Fortunately, writing content containing enjoyable and humorous elements isn’t something that has to be done in a hurry. You get to work with it, massage it and even test it on family and friends. This last part is important. What you think is funny might contain elements you hadn’t considered that would make it inappropriate. Use family and friends that you trust for this kind of feedback before you release the content.
Know your Audience and Their Circumstances
Crass, tasteless humor won’t be appreciated unless you have a crass, tasteless audience. These audiences do in fact exist, but they might not be as widespread as one might think. Using humor to effectively reach an audience requires understanding what readers would appreciate and understand.
Software engineers are a favorite target for getting a few laughs. Fortunately, they dish it out to themselves pretty well, so poking a bit of fun at some of their mannerisms and processes is actually a good way to connect. In fact, the entire Dilbert comic series is based on a downtrodden, poorly managed and underappreciated software engineer.
note: allows you to create your own demotivational poster or card. People really respond to these and they are part of many professional cultures.
What Form Works Best?
A short, interesting observation or thought can make a great social media post. Again, is a terrific source of inspiration and also provides the software to create your own ‘Demotivational’ poster or card. Expanding your thoughts to extended pieces such as blog posts requires a bit of planning. Again, a funny observation stated at the beginning of the piece may be referred to throughout the piece. Kermit the Frog refers to this as a “running gag.”
Developing your humor skills requires a bit of work though; no two ways about it. Take a shot, test your messaging on those you trust to be honest with you and keep trying!
Use and Overuse of Humor in Web-Based Content
Like almost everything else, humor and comedy can be over-used. Applying too much funny stuff in your content risks a loss of credibility and an un-serious image. Using your skills creatively though, can add a level of thoughtfulness to your messaging. So.. before you jump in with both feet, remember, use humor carefully and don’t over-use it. Also, never insult a specific person or group. Those people may make up a bigger group than you thought. If you are going to poke fun at a group, though, make sure that group would get the joke.
Another pitfall of using humor is that age-old challenge of timing. Promoting a funny article in your blog at the same time those in your audience are dealing with a hardship, natural disaster or tragedy, is not only in poor taste, it can be highly counter-productive.
Being aware of the news and information environment will guide your timing. If you are wondering if releasing a funny article at a particular time would be viewed poorly, take your second thoughts first and postpone release.
Being conservative and careful in deploying humorous content keeps you from having to manage a major PR embarrassment.
Getting Started
It does require some courage to add humor into your content. As opposed to strictly boring, linear content, a bit of fun and humor makes the piece much more entertaining and as such, it encourages your reader to share the article or post elsewhere.
So take heart, have courage and test your messaging before you release it. If you have a gift for looking at the ironic or funny parts of your business – and if no one would be insulted if you pushed a small bit of humor – take the risk and get started!
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